24–27 Oct 2023
Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas
Europe/Athens timezone

Pulsar timing at the Argentine Institute of Radio astronomy

25 Oct 2023, 15:30
Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas

Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas


Ezequiel Zubieta (Argentine Institute of Radio astronomy / National University of La Plata)


The Argentine Institute of Radio Astronomy (IAR) is situated near the city of La Plata, Argentina. It is equipped with two 30-m single-dish antennas that are used exclusively for observations of pulsars and transients. Since 2018, the Pulsar Monitoring in Argentina (PuMA) group, has been using this antennas to conduct high-cadence observations of pulsars from the Southern hemisphere.
Several upgrades have been made to the antennas since the beginning of the campaign. The most recent one consists of the installation of new acquisition modules (ROACH) with 400 MHz of bandwidth. In this contribution, we present the main results of our research so far, including the detection and analysis of glitches, single pulses studies, and giant pulses in magnetars. We will also discuss our next goals and future perspectives, such as detecting a glitch live and contributing to gravitational wave astronomy.

Primary author

Ezequiel Zubieta (Argentine Institute of Radio astronomy / National University of La Plata)

Presentation materials

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