24–27 Oct 2023
Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas
Europe/Athens timezone

Real-Time All-Sky Camera for Compact Radio Arrays

27 Oct 2023, 10:00
Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas

Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas

in person Synergies


Hariharan Krishnan (Square Kilometer Array Observatory (SKAO))


Modern radio telescopes are envisioned to consist of hundreds to the thousands of antennas in order to meet various science requirements and in-turn raise the computational needs. Here we discuss a novel radio imaging concept called EPIC, that is particularly efficient for compact large-N radio arrays. EPIC has been successfully deployed on a GPU and demonstrated real-time imaging at the Long Wavelength Array (LWA) in New Mexico, USA. In this talk, I will discuss the EPIC all-sky imager, current developments and its potential application for upcoming radio telescopes including ARGOS.

Primary author

Hariharan Krishnan (Square Kilometer Array Observatory (SKAO))

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